In need of some quick cash? At Instant Cash Advance, many of our locations offer gold buying and cash for gold services.
Bring in any of your unwanted or broken gold jewelry and walk out with cash on the spot. With the top price in the state of Michigan for gold, be assured that you will be getting top dollar for your jewelry.
We accept all precious metals, including Gold, Silver, and Platinum.
How Gold Buying Works
Selling your gold or precious metals at Instant Cash Advance is easy. Bring in any broken or unwanted jewelry and we will pay you cash on the spot for it. With our cash for gold services, walk out the door with money in your hand!
Simply bring in your jewelry to any of our gold buying locations where our trained gold buying professionals will examine your jewelry, measure its weight, and assess its quality right on the spot.
After our initial examination, we will offer you fair market value for your gold or other precious metals. You choose to accept or not.
It’s that easy!
Best Gold Buying Rates in the State
Our gold buying services offer the best rates in the State of Michigan. We invite you to call or stop into any of our gold buying locations statewide for the most current rates.
All Precious Metals Accepted
At Instant Cash Advance, we accept all precious metals including gold, silver, and platinum.
Gold Buying Rates
The price of gold is at all time record highs. The time to sell your unwanted or broken jewelry is now!
At Instant Cash Advance, we offer the top price for gold in the State of Michigan and accept all precious metals including silver and platinum.
We invite you to stop into our gold buying locations or give us a call for the latest gold buying rates.