Web Loans No Longer Available

Dear Webloans Customers:

After many years of offering this service, we have decided to take down Webloans. We have decided to refocus our energy on the growth of our Branch Locations, community service and customer service.

If you have an existing contract, this will not cancel any agreements and your balances will be due as scheduled. You will not, however, be able to re-advance online.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and we are very grateful to your patronage. We wish to extend an invitation to you to come into one of our Branch Locations. Just as with our Webloans, our Branch Locations provide, convenient and confidential access to the cash you need, when you need it. We are open 5 days a week and provide cash in hand, on the day of your visit. No waiting for deposits to post and you can pay back with cash, so you can re-advance as soon as you need to. You can even use coupons in our stores, something unavailable to our Webloans program due to State Laws. Along with these benefits, you can take advantage of our exceptional, personal and friendly customer service.

We look forward to meeting you.

Instant Cash Advance Corp.

Question about your existing Webloan, or wish to find a Branch Location near you? Contact us at (800) 655-0072 or view our locations.